Photo of Sikorsky S-61N, EI-MES, CHC Helicopters

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Type: Sikorsky S-61N
Aircraft Reg: EI-MES
MSN / CN: 61776

Operator: CHC Helicopters

Picture Category: Helicopter

Picture ID: 1002479
Location: Dublin (DUB / EIDW)
Country: Ireland
Date: Unknown
Because there is no name or email address supplied with this picture you will have to contact Frank instead. Contact Frank
Comments: This Sikorsky S.61N, EI-MES (c/n 61776), is one of four S.61Ns operated by CHC (Ireland) Ltd., formerly Bond Helicopters (Ireland) Ltd., under contract to the Irish Coast Guard (formerly the Irish Marine Emergency Service (IMES)) as medium/long-range Search and Rescue (SAR) and MedEvac helicopters. A fifth S.61N is due to be leased to the Irish Air Corps later this year (2002). This aircraft was registered on 27 March 1997, and is the primary SAR aircraft at Dublin. Before becoming Irish it was registered G-BXAE.