Photo of McDonnell Douglas MD-11F, N525FE, FedEx - Federal Express (FX / FDX)

This picture is © John Meneely and may not be used or published without permission.

Hits since added on 16th November 2005:     370
Aircraft Location & Date Correct Information

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Type: McDonnell Douglas MD-11F
Aircraft Reg: N525FE
MSN / CN: 48565

Operator: FedEx - Federal Express (FX / FDX)

Picture Category: Jetliner

Picture ID: 1009855
Location: Phoenix - Sky Harbor International (PHX / KPHX)
Country: USA - Arizona
Date: 10th November 2005
John Meneely
Click here to send John Meneely an email Contact John Meneely
Comments: This came from Mojave to shoot some approaches at PHX on a very overcast day. Note: Between the two beacons on the bottom is an anti-missile pod “CMANPADS” made by Northrop Grumman. The aircraft is doing clutter checks of the pod sensors at different airports around the country.